The end has now come.
We knew it was coming for a long time. The question we have to ask is how did it happen? Was it the terrorists? The Russians? Climate change? As it turns out it was a suicide.We should have seen the warning signs. America has been acting different for quite some time. She has been withdrawing from things she used to love like freedom and humanity and engaging in high-risk behavior.
The soldiers no longer fight for freedom. They fight for a government who sends them to fight and then abandons them when they return. The people have traded courage and compassion for Facebook likes and Instagram followers.
We are no longer red, white and blue, but black, white, Republican, Democrat. We were once the land of the free and the home of the brave but now bravery is a microaggression and personal freedom is offensive and not to be tolerated. When we allowed our ideals to die, we put a gun to Lady Linertys head. And this is why America is dead.
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